Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Last year, we celebrate Halloween with Jollibee and with the kids in our neighborhood. This year, we celebrate it again with them PLUS we have a special guests. All the way from New Zealand- my nephews Gian and Nyle and my one and only niece Nyanne!

At Jollibee Halloween Party

At our house, Gian & Nyle helped me in preparing our treats.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

time vs money

My philosophy in parenting. And who needs expensive toys and top of the line gadgets when all this little man needs is a box and a little imagination? He is so easy to please when it comes to toys! 

Wall Paint Decor

I've been a follower of Saab Magallona's blog for quite a while now and I find this wall art cute and interesting:

Saab Magallona is cute and interesting too! :)

When the time comes that I will be able to build my dream house, I'll definitely consider some of these cool designs from Etsy

These are some of my favorites but you'll find a lot of designs there. :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Teething and Pooping

My son is pooping watery stools and I feel bad for him. It's always like these when he is teething. Some times it is accompanied by fever. So I wonder, does teething really affect a child's bowel movement? Here's what I searched:

Teething And Diarrhea – How To Help Your Baby

Debate continues as to whether teething causes diarrhea or not. What’s clear is, many parents report loose stools while their baby’s teeth are erupting. This could be a) coincidental, due to the fact that the level of immunity they received from being in the mother’s womb drops off and the child’s immune system must take over, at around the same time as teething starts, and b) when teething begins, all manner of things are put into the mouth, germs and all. Whatever the reason, diarrhea is a pain in the butt.

Another theory about diarrhea during teething is that since baby is drooling so much, a lot more saliva is passing through the system, diluting nutrients and adding more acidic content to the mix. It is normal that stools contain enzymes that help digest food. During teething, stools pass through the intestines more quickly thanks to the copious saliva and take with them more acidic matter. The enzymes affect the soft skin of baby’s bottom, resulting in a rash that can be painful, or at the least irritating.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Jollibee Day

Yesterday, Friday, was the day my son and I usually hang out and have our food trip. We went to the local market and window shopped. We also satisfy our taste buds. Sometimes I eat barbecue or isaw and my son would eat hotdog on a stick. Sometimes I eat tokneneng or proven (chicken's gizzard). Then we'll have buko juice or buko shake or samalamig. Filipino street food is L.O.V.E! Or we do it a little sosy way like eating at fast food chains. My son adores Jollibee soooo much. When he saw any Jollibee store, he shriek with glee! It's been a while since we have eaten there, so yes, Jollibee it is!

Jollibee is packed yesterday, so we decided to dine out.

now, why didn't I think of it sooner? he is now a member of Jollibee Kids Club. 
he can enjoy his foods with added perks and privileges.

it's all yours honey! :)

why he is down like this after eating his Jollibee, would be the subject of my next blog post.

Till then! Ciao!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Easy-to-do Halloween Costume

Halloween is just around the corner. I never thought I'd care so much about Halloween. But motherhood changed that and now I am hooked. It's amusing to see the "little Rey" in different costume. I am sure other mommies share the same excitement too. Although there are lots of available costume (like pirates, Dracula, prince, princesses) in the market, I prefer to make it from scratch. I am lucky to have a mother who knows how to sew! She made the soldier, devil and Peter Pan costume of my son in the past. That way I can be sure it fits him perfectly, its one-of-a-kind, and its cheaper! Halloween costumes need not be expensive, really! Just be creative and search the internet. I found the following photos via Etsy and I think these are pretty simple enough to make. And not your usual thing during Halloween.

The last photo is what I am making for my son. He is going to be a Jedi! Master Jedi Riley. And I already bought his lightsaber :) 

What about you? what costume are you planning for your little ones? If you don't have one, you can try one of these easy-to-do costumes. 

World's Teacher Day

The Hand Holders: A Tribute To Teachers

There is no job more important than yours, 
no job anywhere else in the land.
You are the keepers of the future;
you hold the smallest of hands. 

Into your care you are trusted
to nurture and care for the young,
and for all of your everyday heroics,
your talents and skills go unsung.

You wipe tears from the eyes of the injured.
You rock babies brand new in your arms. 
You encourage the shy and unsure child. 
You make sure they are safe from all harm. 

You foster the bonds of friendships,
letting no child go away mad.
You respect and you honour their emotions.
You give hugs to each child when they're sad.

You have more impact than does a professor,
a child's mind is moulded by four;
so whatever you lay on the table
is whatever the child will explore.

Give each child the tools for adventure,
let them be artists and writers and more;
let them fly on the wind and dance on the stars
and build castles of sand on the shore.

It is true that you don't make much money
and you don't get a whole lot of praise,
but when one small child says "I love you",
you're reminded of how this job pays.

-author unknown

Thursday, October 4, 2012

R.A. 10175

Where do I begin?

First, let me tell you that I am not good with interpreting the law. That is the reason why I don't want to blog about this in the first place. I want to get all of the sides and all the stories before I even write about it. And right now, I think what Filipinos need is a deeper and more detailed explanation about the RA 10175 also known as "Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012."

We know a lot of offense such as hacking, cyber bullying, cyber sex, credit card swindling but what about commenting or liking or writing our opinions? What about freedom of expression in the cyber world? Is that punishable by this law too? Some say, that authorities can block access to web sites deemed offensive and Internet users can be sued for libel by simply liking or sharing content that displeases others. Libel means anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents. So if I post on my Facebook "Walang hiya naman si _____ nakakasira ng araw!" will I sued and be in prison? 

Ah, laws! Such a powerful instrument that can either be good or bad. Are the people becoming too careless and insensitive with their words and actions that we need a law like this to put an end to it? I don't think so. I think the lawmakers (aka the senators who passed this) and our dear president need to reevaluate this. They need to redefined it/ They need to answer to people, to us. Honestly, Internet Libel scares me. Paano kung bigla lang may maisulat ako na offensive pala sa ibang tao o sa isang government official? We're is the democracy then? 

Now, I know whose side I am. And if you are on the side of freedom too, you can help by signing a petition to junk RA 10175 here. Make your voice be heard if you are against this law too!