Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blessing in Disguise

No Jessica Sanchez didn't win at American Idol Finale last Thursday. But things happen for a reason. We may not find logic at it at first. And ask God why it happened? Ooops. I am not talking about Jessica's loss here anymore but my own "failures" in life. I had plenty of them! But when I look back at them now, I realize this is where I am supposed to be. The choices I made, the rejections I encountered and the opportunities I miss. Somehow, they are needed to be done in my life. Like the times I get rejected in applying for a job. Or my ex boyfriend leaving me. Or my choice of having a child even if I am not married. Yes, it hurts when something you want so bad just flew away from you. Or when the fairy tale you envision doesn't come to realization. But if we just accept it and have faith that some things we're just not meant to be, then may be our lives would be free of disappointments and regrets.

And may be if we are not busy looking after the lost opportunities, we will see a better one. We just have to  open our hearts to see our misfortunes may just be a blessing in disguise! :) God Bless!

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