Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rest in Peace

I just read the news. Dolphy, Philippines' King of Comedy, died at the age of 83. Messages from Facebook and Twitter are pouring and reading them makes me sad too. For the past days, we have been informed of the health condition of Sir Dolphy. We have been hopeful that he will pass this illness and recover totally and we will see him again making jokes and making people happy. But that's life. That's how God wants to take back the life He has bestowed on us. Finally, Sir Dolphy would be free of all the pain and he is now peaceful in the arms of Our Creator.

We're all gonna die. That's a fact. When people close to our hearts die, we feel devastated. I remember when my Lola Paning died, when I saw her in a coffin, tears just fell from my face. She is  my favorite lola and the ones I grew up with since my mom's mother died early. My fondest memory of my Lola Paning is when we sleep over in their house. She would gently combed my hair by her hand until I drifted off to sleep. When I do that "combing of hair" to my son now, I always think of my lola. I wish she could have met my son.

When my Ninang Gay died 2010, I was shattered too. She is like a second mother to me. She looks after us, she cheers us up, she never ran out of things to say. We all love her! Her death caught us all in a surprise because, she went to the doctor for a check-up and the next thing we know she is confined and in a critical condition. Then the news that shocked us all. :( It's been 2 years since she died but when I hang around in their house, I still miss her presence. If she had live long enough to meet my son, I know my son would love her too.

Death is inevitable. I know we always hear this, but we SHOULD really show our love to people we care about before they are gone forever. Don't wait too long. Because we never know if our time is up. Life is short. Live it well!

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