Monday, October 15, 2012

Teething and Pooping

My son is pooping watery stools and I feel bad for him. It's always like these when he is teething. Some times it is accompanied by fever. So I wonder, does teething really affect a child's bowel movement? Here's what I searched:

Teething And Diarrhea – How To Help Your Baby

Debate continues as to whether teething causes diarrhea or not. What’s clear is, many parents report loose stools while their baby’s teeth are erupting. This could be a) coincidental, due to the fact that the level of immunity they received from being in the mother’s womb drops off and the child’s immune system must take over, at around the same time as teething starts, and b) when teething begins, all manner of things are put into the mouth, germs and all. Whatever the reason, diarrhea is a pain in the butt.

Another theory about diarrhea during teething is that since baby is drooling so much, a lot more saliva is passing through the system, diluting nutrients and adding more acidic content to the mix. It is normal that stools contain enzymes that help digest food. During teething, stools pass through the intestines more quickly thanks to the copious saliva and take with them more acidic matter. The enzymes affect the soft skin of baby’s bottom, resulting in a rash that can be painful, or at the least irritating.


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