Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Vision Board

Few years back, when the show Oprah was still televised in Channel 23, I watched one episode about how a vision board will help you materialize and transpire your dreams. A vision board is simply a visual representation of your aspirations in life. It is a tool for you to be able to manifest all of your dreams into reality by focusing your energy on them. Through visualization, somehow you will start to align your actions with your thoughts. Do you know the "Law of  Attraction"?  The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. So whatever you think, will eventually come true. If you think negative thoughts everyday, everything will seem negative to you. If you think of your dreams, the positivity of it coming true, then it WILL COME TRUE! I strongly agree to that. And making a vision board will help you attract the things you want in your life. Pretty soon, the world would be conspiring to your favor! :)

(Click the photo to enlarge)

This is what my vision board looks like. All my dreams, my goals, my wish for my self is evident in here. It is full of my favorite quotations and images I like which helps me to be the person I envisioned myself to be.

Self Acceptance
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.   -Eleanor Roosevelt

You are never required to apologize for being yourself.   -Iyanla Vanzant

Contentment and Gratitude
Count your blessings and be happy with what you have.

Humility and Compassion in helping others
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.   -Mahatma Gandhi

Love and Family
All you need is love! :)
(FYI: One photo shows a guy giving an engagement ring to his girlfriend. 
Although I do not know if it will happen to me, I am contented that I already found LOVE. 
I am specific to have a son for my first born. 
Wish granted and maybe a baby girl to follow? 
And my son would have a dog eventually.)

Places I want to visit!
Once a year go someplace you've never been before.    -Delai Lama
(Palawan, Boracay, and Singapore at the moment I made this. But the list kept increasing)

Business and Career and things I want to buy
(What is having a business and career if you do not see what you reap? 
My dream is to have my own car, my own house,  and some techie goodie gadget)

Music (and Blogging)
Without music, life would be a mistake. (and boring!)
(I am not blogging yet when I did this so back then music is my only escape.)

Me at the center of it all!
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” 
― Mitch Albom, Tuesdays With Morrie

I encourage everyone to make their own vision board. All you need is an illustration board or any board or paper, glue and pictures, and your dreams. Lay it all out and you'll be surprise into what you have created. 
P.S. Would you let me peek in your vision board? 

Timeline Removal on Facebook

I've blogged last night about the Google Chrome Web Store where you can add extensions among others. When I open my FB, I have a notifications from a friend (of course!) about how to remove Timeline. Timeline is the new Facebook profile. Some FB users just don't like it. They prefer the old layout. The link sent as I read was not very successful. Then I remember last night while I was browsing Chrome Web Store I saw a Remove Timeline apps. It is an extension in which you have to add to your Google Chrome. Here is the logo.

I added it. Wait a few seconds. When I open my FB again, walah! The old FB layout for my profile:

The old layout have the posts or tags in a horizontal column. From the latest to your oldest posts. Simpler than Timeline. But I like Timeline because it lets you add or remove photos or activities or even life event. Like when did you met your boyfriend/ girlfriend. Or when you bought your car. Or when did your child say his first word. It is literally telling your story from the day of your birth! It also features Cover Photos which more personalize my profile. The Timeline layout is a bit confusing but I like it more because of its flexibility. What I did to put my FB profile back: Click the Wrench Tool on the upper right corner of Google Chrome. Choose Tools and hover over Extensions. Finally unchecked the Timeline Remove apps. :)

But if you really want to remove Timeline, because for some reason you are lured into it not knowing that you will hate it, just do what I did. Add the extensions of  TimeLineRemove. If your using different browser, go here, select the web browser you used and download the applications.

Hope this helps!

Chrome Web Store

I've been using Google Chrome as my web browser after my former co-worker introduce me to it. She said that it is faster compared to Internet Explorer. True enough plus there is more to it than just opening my FB or Twitter or my blogs. They have Chrome Web Store.

So many applications you can add for free! You can also personalize your theme. There are games, photo editor, ebooks, news and weather, utilities and tools and so much more. Look at my Totoro theme! So cute! :) And the icons you see are the apps that I added so far. I love the PicMonkey in editing my photos which is very useful for a blogger like me. 

If you are in Google Chrome too, what apps do you have? I'll add it to see and explore the wonders of technology. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Crying Spells

Did you know that an average toddler cries for one hour to three hours a day? And maybe for some more hours of unbearable whining. Sometimes you've done everything but nothing seems to be the solution. And sometimes you just want to cover your ears and wish that the crying would stop in a blink of an eye. I can relate. I am a mother to a 20 months old boy. My son has few vocabulary words and because of his nature, the messages are compose of screams and wailing most of the times. It helps me to comprehend that this is perfectly normal. It's their way of communicating with us. Sometimes, they just want to tell:

I'm hungry.
This is probably the first thing you think of when your baby cries. Learning to recognize the signs of hunger will help you start your baby's feedings before the crying stage. Some signs to watch for in newborns: fussing, smacking of lips, rooting (a newborn reflex that causes babies to turn their head toward your hand when you stroke their cheek), and putting their hands to their mouth.

I need to be held.
Babies need a lot of cuddling. They like to see their parents' faces, hear their voices, and listen to their heartbeats, and can even detect their unique smell. Crying can be their way of asking to be held close.

I am tired and need a rest.
Aren't babies lucky? When they're tired they can simply go to sleep – anytime, anywhere. Or so adults like to think. In reality, it's harder for them than you might think. Instead of nodding off, babies may fuss and cry, especially if they're overly tired.You may wonder if you'll spoil your baby by holding him so much, but during the first few months of life that isn't possible. To give your arms some relief, try wearing your baby in a front carrier or sling.

I'm too cold or too hot.
When your baby feels chilly, such as when you remove his clothes to change a diaper or clean his bottom with a cold wipe, he may protest by crying. Newborns like to be bundled up and kept warm — but not too warm. As a rule, they’re comfortable wearing one more layer than you need to be comfortable. Babies are less likely to complain about being too warm than about being too cold, and they won't cry about it as vigorously.

I need my nappy changing.
Some babies let you know right away when they need to be changed. Others can tolerate a dirty diaper for quite a while. Either way, this one is easy to check and simple to remedy.

I need something to make me feel better.
If you've met your baby's basic needs and comforted him and he's still crying, he could be coming down with something. You may want to check his temperature to rule out a fever and be alert for other signs of illness. The cry of a sick baby tends to be distinct from one caused by hunger or frustration. If your baby's crying "just doesn't sound right," trust your instincts and call or see a doctor.

I just feel like crying.
Full tummy? Check. Clean diaper? Check. Fever-free? Check. So why is your baby crying? Babies have their own good reasons. Persistent and inconsolable crying in an otherwise healthy baby is traditionally called colic. Tummy troubles associated with gas or colic can lead to lots of crying. If your baby often fusses and cries right after being fed, he may be feeling some sort of tummy pain. Many parents swear by over-the-counter anti-gas drops for babies or gripe water (made from herbs and sodium bicarbonate). If your baby cries after a feeding, a good burp may be all he needs.
It's upsetting when it seems you can't do anything to ease your baby's distress. However hard it is at the time, rest assured that your baby will grow out of this trying phase. 

Source: BabyCenter

There you go fellow moms! Hope this helps in understanding and sympathizing our cry babies! :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And so it is decided...

I've been glued to the TV since 2:00 PM. My mother had to miss episodes of her daily dose of afternoon telenobelas. Yes, like many Filipinos, I waited and watched the verdict on the Impeachment Trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona. This is historic for us. The first Impeachment trial that push through. The first one was with the former President Joseph Estrada. And all I remember from that was the dramatic climatic decision whether to open or not an envelope. I am not good with history but the next thing I know, people were on EDSA again and then Erap was ousted. But this impeachment is done with great systematic procedures that was lead by the Honorable Judge (I always want to say that :) Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile.

There are 23 senator judges and it takes 2/3 of the total votes to decide whether CJ Corona will be convicted or acquitted. That means at least 16 senators should have the same vote to decide the fate of the defendant. I really don't have any idea how they will vote. I mean the defense is good! How they have cited some Republic Act laws that somehow justified Corona's excuse in not filing the correct SALN. And the reason why some properties were not included too. Besides, CJ Corona always say that he had done it in good faith and somehow I ask myself  "who are we to judge?". Maybe he was telling the truth for all we know. And when CJ signed a waiver giving consent to open his dollar account, the prosecution didn't cross-examine or even bother to look at it or show it to the public. Hey, I want to see that just for curiosity sake! Sen. Escudero is right when he said that the trial would have been decided earlier if only CJ just signed the waiver from the start then. So, that's how the defense goes. 

On the side of prosecution, there are lots of questions as to how they acquired their evidences. Sen. Defensor-Santiago always question the validity of it like the AMLC report, or the list of bank accounts that according to the prosecution was given by "a small lady." Somehow, the prosecution lacks preparedness and the legal skills that true blue lawyers have. How can you battle out with the likes of Retired Justice Serafin Cuevas? I mean they know the law inside and out. They are prepared, they know the proceedings. But despite the prosecution's lapse, there is that nagging truth about the ill-gotten wealth of the accused. What if it is true? What if he just manipulate all the facts? And the most important question: Can you trust again the highest legistative body if its own CHIEF JUSTICE has suspicions of graft and corruption? 

How would the judges weigh their decisions? My mind says ACQUIT, but my heart says CONVICT! And so the trial would have a 21 GUILTY votes if I am a senator judge because I always follow my heart . You'll never go wrong if you follow what your heart says. And I think that is what the 20 senators did when they voted Guilty. Finally, the case has been decided... 

Hope this will make our country more united and finally let's move forward people! 

Sky Garden at SM North Edsa

Amid the busy shoppers at one of the largest malls in the Philippines, is a garden that makes a child free of all the worries of the world.

He likes to explore everything. And as a result his mama is busy catching up and following up to him! 

Oh! But when I caught him, my camera is always ready to capture our wonderful time together! :) 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Blessing in Disguise

No Jessica Sanchez didn't win at American Idol Finale last Thursday. But things happen for a reason. We may not find logic at it at first. And ask God why it happened? Ooops. I am not talking about Jessica's loss here anymore but my own "failures" in life. I had plenty of them! But when I look back at them now, I realize this is where I am supposed to be. The choices I made, the rejections I encountered and the opportunities I miss. Somehow, they are needed to be done in my life. Like the times I get rejected in applying for a job. Or my ex boyfriend leaving me. Or my choice of having a child even if I am not married. Yes, it hurts when something you want so bad just flew away from you. Or when the fairy tale you envision doesn't come to realization. But if we just accept it and have faith that some things we're just not meant to be, then may be our lives would be free of disappointments and regrets.

And may be if we are not busy looking after the lost opportunities, we will see a better one. We just have to  open our hearts to see our misfortunes may just be a blessing in disguise! :) God Bless!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Amana Waterpark

Last Saturday, we went to Amana Waterpark Resort. This is our last hurrah this vacation since next week will be school time once again. My sister and I are teachers so we're enjoying every minute of the remaining of our break. We chose Amana because of the exposure and advertisement it received. It is a newly developed resort (it just opened 2009) but the place is packed with excursionist like us. To think we're almost at the end of summer season, what more during the months of March and April? But even if the resort is filled with people, we managed to squeeze in and enjoy our day. They have 8 pools (as I counted) and over 100 life size action heroes characters including the likes of Justice League, Incredible Hulk, Dragon Ball Z, Shrek, Wolverine and Cyclops, and many more. It's just perfect for picture taking!

The Wave Pool with 13 waves!
So many people!

The Kiddie Pool
Here you can find the Dragon Ball characters

The Twin Infinity Pool

The Avatar Pool

Pool with Jacussi

Madagascar Pool

And our photo ops with some of the known figures.

It was a great day even if it rains mid afternoon. I have not yet experience some of Amana's facilities like the zipline, and the 3Max Rides, and the horseback ride for my son. So maybe, we can come back next summer and be amazed again by the Resort of the Star which is known as "Amana Waterpark Resort." 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Patience is a Virtue

Today is one of those days when nothing seems right. I slept late last night and I woke up earlier than usual because of noisy neighbors. I wanted to go back to sleep but I have to clean my son's poop. Prepare his food. Play with him to shake off his boredom. Have to bathe him. I was half asleep and my head aches as I do all of these. Today is not a great day and you can say I woke up at the wrong side of bed figuratively.

I am doing my best to take care of my son but when he cries and screams and squeals, sometimes I lose patience. Sometimes, I just want the peace, the silence, the order. When my son started to howl again, I raise my voice. I became an ugly person. Because of my bad disposition, I blurted it out in an innocent child.

As I was reading Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul 2 this afternoon, I was inspired by one story there. Actually most of the stories were touching. I came upon this words in the story I was talking about:

I always pray for patience everyday but now I know the answer to my prayer. A mother with a one year old boy would agree how challenging it is some times. I am not the only one. Next time, I had a bad day like this, I keep in mind that God wants me to practice PATIENCE! And I hope I pass the test! Goodnight!

American Idol 11

I just watched the Americal Idol Top 3 performed and belted their heart out. In the past, I don't really fanatically follow it. But because this time there's a Mexican-Filipina whose name is Jessica Sanchez, you bet I watched it since the first episode. Since the beginning, she has proved her skills and talent in singing. I was shock (and maybe the rest of the world) when she was nearly voted out but I was relieved that the judges save her. It was an overwhelming save. But as the finals are drawing nearer, it is hard to tell who will win it because Joshua Ledet and Phil Phillips are great too.

And you know who is more excited to know and follow AI week after week? My father! I think my father had mention for the 100th time that he knows Jessica's family in Bataan. My father was born and raised in Calaguiman, Samal, Bataan. He would always say he knows Nana Crusita (Jessica's grandmother) and would always praise Jessica. He would watch with us and he get disappointed when the judges didn't give Jessica a standing ovation after her performance. I can't stand the wait but I really hope Jessica wins it because 1) she is a great singer and 2) she is the first half Filipina ever to be an Idol winner.

Tomorrow, we will know if she makes to Top 2 or not. But I truly believe, winner or not, she'll land a record deal. And when she does, I'll be there to buy one! Keep singing Jessica!

Jessica Sanchez all the way!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal is such a healthy food. It is rich in phytochemicals that have cancer fighting properties. Those who eat oats are likely to develop heart disease too. It is also good source of soluble and insoluble fiber and protein. Unfortunately, my family is not use to eating it. Or maybe we are not creative enough to think of ways to make oatmeal appetizing.  So I make us  oatmeal cookies. Which is by far the perfect cookies that I baked! It's easy to do and I am not being biased when I say it's yummy! 

§  1 cup oats
§  3/4 cup all-purpose flour
§  1/2 teaspoon baking powder
§  1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
§  1/2 cup butter, softened
§  3/4 cup light brown sugar
§  1 teaspoon vanilla extract
§  1 piece raw egg
§  1/4 teaspoon salt
§  1/2 cup raisins (I forgot to buy raisins so I omit this)

Cooking Procedure
1.     Combine flour, baking powder, ground cinnamon, and salt then mix well. Set aside.
2.     Put the butter in a mixing bowl then cream using an electric mixer.
3.     Gradually add the light brown sugar while beating. Continue beating until the texture becomes fluffy.
4.     Add-in the vanilla extract then continue mixing for 2 to 3 minutes.
5.     Put-in the egg then beat in low-speed for another minute.
6.     Gradually add the oats and mix until fully distributed.
7.     Gradually add the dry ingredient mixture (flour, baking powder, salt, ground cinnamon) then mix again.
8.     Add the raisins and incorporate with the other ingredients.
9.     Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
10.   Place a wax or parchment paper on top of the cookie sheet or baking tray. Scoop some of the mixture and arrange on top of the wax/parchment paper. Flatten the mixture to a thickness of about 1/2 inch.
11.   Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.
12.   Remove the cookie from the oven and let cool for a few minutes.
13.   Transfer to a cooling grid to completely cool.
14.   Serve. Share and enjoy!

baked perfectly! love it!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


It's Thursday again. I promise to write what inspires me every Thursday because this is the day that I was born.  One Thursday evening a beautiful baby came into existence and the world was never the same again. Anyway, ANYWAY is what inspires me today! :p

I felt that nobody read my blog. But I WILL STILL BLOG ANYWAY! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Diaper Matter

This morning, I woke up with my son crying beside our bed. I then notice he pee on his brief thus the reason of his crying. I on the other hand was so proud of him. Why? That is the third time he crawl out of bed to pee and for whatever reason he didn't want to wet the bed sheet! Bless you my son! :)

It's been two months since I last bought him disposable diapers. Although, he is not potty trained yet (my son is still working on it) I am letting go of his diapers. He wears briefs or shorts or sometimes nothing at all! Blame it on the hot weather, he prefer the latter. Hehe. Besides the comfort he gets from not wearing any diapers, there are advantages too like I don't have to spend money for it and it helps the environment! Do you know that it takes 355 YEARS for a single diaper to decompose? I didn't know either that's why I am guilty and sad that I contributed to that waste. :( I wish I had realize this sooner. Sorry Mother Earth. I promise I will rethink of my actions and my choices first before doing something drastic. Anyway, it's not too late. That's why I am blogging about this. Maybe, parents can reconsider using disposable diapers? We can use CLOTH DIAPERS instead! Just like what I bought for my son:

If I have only been considerate, I would have used cloth diapers from the start then. Although, we have what we called "lampin," cloth diapers would be a better choice so investing on them should be a priority. It's been an advocacy of some mommy blogs that I follow. And I promise it to be my advocacy too. That's why I am thinking of selling them in my online shoppe. They can use this as they grow. It is a little messier to use I agree but the reward is priceless. This is something we can do to help our environment. It's for our children's future. Plus they will be more happy. Just look at my son. 

Ah, I've done my part! Hope you do to! Ciao!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Places I Want to Visit (Among Others)

It's the month of May and soon enough will bid goodbye to sun and hello to rain again. But before the fun ends (summer always spell fun for me), we are planning an outing next week. Just a day of soaking our body in a swimming pool. Nothing fancy. But if I have my way, time and resources, I want to have a break and visit  the  The New 7 Wonders of NatureI've posted before how to vote for our very own entry: The Puerto Princesa Underground River, and I am proud to say that last 11/11/11 it was proclaimed as one of the seven wonders of our world. The others were:

 Halong Bay

Iguazu Falls
Argentina, Brazil

Jeju Island
South Korea

Table Mountain
South Africa

Komodo National Park (Provisional)

Amazons Rainforest (Provisional)
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela 

The Puerto Princesa Underground River

Maybe one day I wont just write about them, I am going to see them in person. One day.... :)