Yesterday, Friday, was the day my son and I usually hang out and have our food trip. We went to the local market and window shopped. We also satisfy our taste buds. Sometimes I eat barbecue or
isaw and my son would eat hotdog on a stick. Sometimes I eat tokneneng or proven (chicken's gizzard). Then we'll have buko juice or buko shake or samalamig. Filipino street food is L.O.V.E! Or we do it a little sosy way like eating at fast food chains. My son adores Jollibee soooo much. When he saw any Jollibee store, he shriek with glee! It's been a while since we have eaten there, so yes, Jollibee it is!
Jollibee is packed yesterday, so we decided to dine out.
now, why didn't I think of it sooner? he is now a member of Jollibee Kids Club.
he can enjoy his foods with added perks and privileges.
it's all yours honey! :)
why he is down like this after eating his Jollibee, would be the subject of my next blog post.
Till then! Ciao!