It has always been a dream of mine. Ever since my sister and her whole family migrated in New Zealand back in 2009, I always dreamed of visiting this country. But, it's not as easy as that. I believe that God prepared everything even before I decided to finally go here. Few months before the date of our trip, my sister and I were praying about this. She said if this is God's will, then nothing can ever stop this from happening. But I was restless. Yes I was praying, asking God if He really wants me to go here but I was also so worried about the little details. What if the school that I work for won't let me take a leave? What if we got denied with our visa? What if my savings aren't enough to cover the airfare, etc. etc. And then when I finally decided to STOP worrying and trust God, that's when He begins to reveal His plan for me. I remember it was a Saturday, I was reading a devotional book Better Than Jewels. I came upon a line that says, "God words confirms" and how God promise never falter. I took that as a confirmation of my heart's desire so I tell my ate that I finally had a go signal from God. :)

Picking the Date
You think by now, it would be easier to pick a date, but NO. When you're a Christian everything you decide will not be based on your own choice, but it will be God's decision. Even if it's as insignificant as the date. So again my ate and I prayed for it. Then one night, while having a facetime videocall, my ate said that this is what the Bible tell her:
It says, the first day of the tenth month. This date happens to be October 1 and crazily enough that's my birthday! So it's definite, I'm having my 36th birthday in New Zealand! :) But I also learned that CCF New Zealand was about to have their 5th Anniversary on September 24 and Pastor Bong Saquing will be a guest pastor. I wanted to witness that because we attend CCF in the Philippines and I believe it is no coincidence that it falls on that day and so after praying about it, God has impresses on me the date September 21. So finally we have a date and now we need to prepare!
This is where my patience was tested. Yes, this is God's plan for me but I need to do my part. First I need to complete all the requirements to take a vacation leave. Then fill out all the forms needed to apply for a visa. Then buy tickets and finally prepare not just physically but also emotionally to this trip. If only it's as easy as it sounds! Let's talk about my vacation leave first. I'm a teacher and I'm aware that school year is not yet over and I have classes to attend to. I needed the approval of our principal, school heads, and supervisor. I was grateful that these people understands and approved my leave right on. After I passed my forms on our HR Department, that's when an obstacle occurred. Imagine, I was waiting for about two weeks (because it is needed to be forwarded in the regional office) to know if my leave is approved or not, only to find out that my files were all missing! The HR people could not locate my forms. GONE. It was all gone. I nearly cried. And I was devastated because it was three weeks before my planned date which is September 21. I need at least a month because I need to forward that approval paper at the immigration for my visa. And our HR was telling me if I can pass AGAIN all the forms (meaning I have to talk again to our principal, school heads, and supervisor). I wanted to be furious at the negligence. But I remain calm, then I told my sister that maybe this is God's way of telling me not to pursue this anymore. I doubted God's affirmation because I encounter difficulty. I almost quit. But my ate, whose life has been orchestrated by God, told me not to quit. She told me that God permits that to happen because God wants me to trust Him completely. She said that we can always do our part but in the end if it's really God's will, then my papers will be approved even if we're late in passing the forms.

Yup, again God was affirming me and can you guess what is the message on CCF on that Sunday? It was about quiting or QUIT-ITIS. Hehe. God has ingenious way of talking to us. But we must have a receptive heart so as not to miss what He wants to tell us. :) So anyway, to make the story short, I didn't quit and I passed again my forms and after two days, my leave was approved. Then I read it will take 20 days to know if our visitor visa will be approved or denied, but the process only took us three days and we were granted multiple entry visa! :)
New Zealand
And now were here in New Zealand! It is not by chance that we are here. God wants me to be here! This trip maybe many years in the making but I believe that God's perfect timing is what leads us this year, 2017, to finally take the plunge and have the courage. This journey has humbled me in so many ways and it taught me that I can make a lot of plans in life, but if it is not aligned with what God plans for us, then it's pointless. And knowing God, I am 100% sure He is devising a grand masterplan for all of us. So why worry?
Who have thought a trip to other country could make me contemplate about life and faith? :D