Sunday, July 21, 2013

Productive Weekend

I've had a productive weekend. First, I've finished my first DIY project. It was a hooded panda towel for my son. I'll try to post a separate blog about it. I'm into sewing nowadays inspired by a lot of talented and innovative people at Pinterest! Pinterest is my new Facebook. I can just browse for hours and always find something worth pinning. You'll discover a lot from that website. If you have Pinterest, do follow me here. I have another project in mind that I hope to finish next week.

Another thing I've done this weekend is baking! A simple recipe I read in my friends blog. It's called Banana and Nutella Muffins. Check her blog here for ingredients and instructions. Based from the reaction of my expert taster, it's delicious!

I've cleaned up a bit too and organize some things in the house. I think I'm subconsciously preparing the house for my mother's arrival. Every week, I'm cleaning something. First the kitchen, then the bathroom, last week the garden. Next will be the bedroom. I'm throwing or recycling things that clutter. I want her to see that I am a responsible daughter. That I can keep our home tidy and running even if she's not around. But I desperately wish she would be around soon. I miss her. The first couple of months she's away, I'm still ok. But come the third, the fourth month until now, I am dying of waiting for her. I've been homesick without her and I am counting the days until I can hug her again. 

Oh, I've watched Les Miserables too! Such beautiful story! Inspirational. I should read more classic stories. But the language sometimes bored me to sleep. Teehee.

I've accomplished a lot of things today and I am able to blog all about it! I should do this every weekend (or everyday!)

How did you spend your weekends? Productive or so-so?