Thursday, May 17, 2012

Patience is a Virtue

Today is one of those days when nothing seems right. I slept late last night and I woke up earlier than usual because of noisy neighbors. I wanted to go back to sleep but I have to clean my son's poop. Prepare his food. Play with him to shake off his boredom. Have to bathe him. I was half asleep and my head aches as I do all of these. Today is not a great day and you can say I woke up at the wrong side of bed figuratively.

I am doing my best to take care of my son but when he cries and screams and squeals, sometimes I lose patience. Sometimes, I just want the peace, the silence, the order. When my son started to howl again, I raise my voice. I became an ugly person. Because of my bad disposition, I blurted it out in an innocent child.

As I was reading Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul 2 this afternoon, I was inspired by one story there. Actually most of the stories were touching. I came upon this words in the story I was talking about:

I always pray for patience everyday but now I know the answer to my prayer. A mother with a one year old boy would agree how challenging it is some times. I am not the only one. Next time, I had a bad day like this, I keep in mind that God wants me to practice PATIENCE! And I hope I pass the test! Goodnight!

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