Thursday, May 31, 2012

Timeline Removal on Facebook

I've blogged last night about the Google Chrome Web Store where you can add extensions among others. When I open my FB, I have a notifications from a friend (of course!) about how to remove Timeline. Timeline is the new Facebook profile. Some FB users just don't like it. They prefer the old layout. The link sent as I read was not very successful. Then I remember last night while I was browsing Chrome Web Store I saw a Remove Timeline apps. It is an extension in which you have to add to your Google Chrome. Here is the logo.

I added it. Wait a few seconds. When I open my FB again, walah! The old FB layout for my profile:

The old layout have the posts or tags in a horizontal column. From the latest to your oldest posts. Simpler than Timeline. But I like Timeline because it lets you add or remove photos or activities or even life event. Like when did you met your boyfriend/ girlfriend. Or when you bought your car. Or when did your child say his first word. It is literally telling your story from the day of your birth! It also features Cover Photos which more personalize my profile. The Timeline layout is a bit confusing but I like it more because of its flexibility. What I did to put my FB profile back: Click the Wrench Tool on the upper right corner of Google Chrome. Choose Tools and hover over Extensions. Finally unchecked the Timeline Remove apps. :)

But if you really want to remove Timeline, because for some reason you are lured into it not knowing that you will hate it, just do what I did. Add the extensions of  TimeLineRemove. If your using different browser, go here, select the web browser you used and download the applications.

Hope this helps!

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